Title of paperback edition: Practical Navigation (6th edition including 2008 Almanac)
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Title of paperback edition: Marine Meteorology (5th edition Including Ship’s Weather Code)
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Title of paperback edition: Shipborne Radar & ARPA (5th edition)
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Title of paperback edition: Ship Stab at Operational Level (3rd edition)
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Title of paperback edition: Bridge Equipment, Charts & Publications (1st edition)
Price of Paperback edition ₹ (Ind Rs): 250/-
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Title of paperback edition: Ship Stability at Management Level (4th edition)
Price of Paperback edition ₹ (Ind Rs): 550/-
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Title of paperback edition: Nautical Watch keeping (3rd edition)
Price of Paperback edition ₹ (Ind Rs): 550/-
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Title of paperback edition: Spherical Trigonometry (1st edition)
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